Hectic week=no blogging

My life has been hectic lately due to the fact that I started a new TAFE course (Business cert.3) and my sisters birthday party which was today (and has just ended, though we still have people here). I have HATED the fact that I haven't been able to blog, I like to aim to blog every 2 days but it just hasn't happened at all this past weeks which I have HATED. So I am hoping that this week will be better on the blogging front. So here are things that I have been up to:
  • Went shopping with my friend Barcode (there will be a comic detailing our adventures!).
  • Started Business cert.3 so far my anxiety hasn't been troubling me at all.
  • Made a birthday ice cream for my sisters birthday (she is gluten intolerant so can't have wheat), which was a hit, for the first time we had no cake left.
  • Gotten mad at myself for not blogging at all.
  • Helped promote my church at the uni we meet at, we are hoping some people will turn up on Sunday night.


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